Unity WebGL 2023 Release-Notes

🌈WebGL 2023 Release-Notes

2023.2.17WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented multithreaded builds from working if user repeatedly upgraded and then downgraded their project.(UUM-33218)
2023.2.17WebGL: Fixed issue using WebcamTexture.GetPixel(s) functions would return blank textures using the WebGL graphics API.(UUM-46144)
2023.2.17WebGL: Improved IndexedDB filesystem performance by avoiding redundant filesystem persistence operations.(UUM-65276)
2023.2.17WebGL: Remove “The PlayerLoop has been called recursively.” error message spam.(UUM-55075)
2023.2.14WebGL: Fixed Orientation Lock code to not crash when run on iOS Safari’s new partially complete implementation of screen.orientation API.(UUM-49634)
2023.2.13WebGL: Update AudioClip.frequency to return the effective WebAudio AudioBuffer sampleRate value.(UUM-47637)
2023.2.12WebGL: Fix for Render Texture depth buffers sometimes not being cleared properly(UUM-57343)
2023.2.7WebGL: Fixed a bug causing audio to skip forward when using AudioClip.Pause() and AudioClip.Resume().(UUM-54675)
2023.2.7WebGL: Improved texture memory usage for Text Mesh Pro font textures on WebGL2 by enabling support for Alpha8 texture format.(UUM-59366)
2023.2.5WebGL: Fixed an issue that causes a parsing error due to misplaced regex.(UUM-21896)
2023.2.2WebGL: Fixed a bug that caused for input to not be released when focus was removed from canvas on Windows Chrome.(UUM-53519)
2023.2.2WebGL: Fixed an error when sending long strings with gameInstance.SendMessage.(UUM-49331)
2023.2.0WebGL: Added Player build options for WebAssembly language features: BigInt, WebAssembly.Table, and experimental native C/C++ multithreading. In addition to generating smaller code size, enabling both BigInt and WebAssembly.Table features improves the build times of Development builds.
2023.2.0WebGL: Updated WebGL platform to version Emscripten 3.1.38-unity.
2023.2.0WebGL: Updated WebGL platform version to Emscripten 3.1.38-unity.
2023.2.0WebGL: Centered the loading bar in PWA WebGL template.(UUM-27941)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed a regression introduced in Unity 2022.1.0f1. Calling the JavaScript function unityInstance.Quit() no longer causes the garbage collector to fail when reclaiming web page content.(UUM-31710)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue that prevented background images from loading when compression was enabled for Web platform applications.(UUM-8692)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where an incorrect regex in the WebGL system info user agent caused a linter to run.(UUM-34348)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where C++ function names would not be properly generated in the output symbols.json file.(UUM-28034)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where webCamTexture.DidUpdateThisFrame did not update correctly.(UUM-29274)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed an issue with multithreaded WebGL builds trapping on a function signature exception when switching between scenes.
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed Build and Run for WebGL to establish needed COOP, COEP, and CORP headers for web browsers to enable SharedArrayBuffer multithreading.(UUM-33017)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed the FMOD console errors when a scene is reloaded.(UUM-19241)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed the playback of MP3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari.(UUM-25389)
2023.2.0WebGL: Fixed the rendering issue on Apple M1 GPUs with Depth Priming is enabled for URP.(UUM-40225)
2023.1.17WebGL: Fixed rendering issues on Apple M1 GPUs when Depth Priming is enabled for URP.(UUM-40225)
2023.1.14WebGL: Fixed Build & Run for WebGL platform to establish needed COOP, COEP and CORP headers for web browsers to enable SharedArrayBuffer multithreading.(UUM-33017)
2023.1.13WebGL: Fixed an issue with multithreaded WebGL builds trapping on a function signature exception when switching between scenes.(UUM-33233)
2023.1.12WebGL: Resolve an issue making the WebGL player attempt to retry editor connections on unsupported network ports.(UUM-44239)
2023.1.10WebGL: Fixed a bug where the application’s background image wouldn’t appear while loading if compression was enabled.(UUM-8692)
2023.1.8WebGL: Moved BrowserifyJSTool to the WebGL area since its only used by the WebGL build.(UUM-34020)
2023.1.7WebGL: Fixed an issue where C++ function names would not be properly generated in the output symbols.json file.(UUM-28034)
2023.1.1WebGL: - Fixed webCamTexture.DidUpdateThisFrame not getting correctly updated(UUM-29274)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter.(UUM-34348)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed WebGL build when “Name Files As Hashes” is enabled.(UUM-36100)
2023.1.0WebGL: Improved the build system so that failing builds will no longer emit an unusable index.html to the build output directory.
2023.1.0WebGL: Added streaming download of response body in UnityWebRequest.(UUM-1149)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a bug where losing focus on the player would cause buttons to become stuck.(UUM-3230)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a bug where pressing the CMD key on Safari would cause buttons to become stuck.(UUM-12013)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard had incorrect formatting leading to excess whitespace.(UUM-1161)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a missing backslash in WebGL system info user agent regex that triggered a JS linter.(UUM-34348)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed a regression since Unity 2022.1.0f1 where calling unityInstance.Quit() in JavaScript code would not properly let the web page contents be reclaimed by the GC.(UUM-31710)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where a startup error might not be programmatically available in a Promise rejection returned by createUnityInstance() function.
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where a startup error might not be programmatically available in a Promise rejection returned by createUnityInstance() function.
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed an issue where the soft keyboard would leave whitespace at the bottom of the page after being dismissed.(UUM-1159)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed bug where the rendering canvas wasn’t resizing when changing orientation.(UUM-1135)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed connection issue between the WebGL player and the profiler.(UUM-798)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed FMOD console errors when a scene is reloaded.(UUM-19241)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed missing bitfieldExtract() function error in URP Lit shader in WebGL builds.(UUM-34043)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed playback of mp3 audio files loaded via UnityWebRequest on Safari.(UUM-25389)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed the loading bar in PWA WebGL template and it is centered.(UUM-27941)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed the WebGL shader preprocessor to handle WebGL shaders that were failing.(UUM-732)
2023.1.0WebGL: Fixed WebGL build when “Name Files As Hashes” is enabled.(UUM-36100)
2023.1.0WebGL: Improved WebAssembly build options to avoid long link times. Added a new Release build option that is focused on faster build speeds, but note that Development builds are the fastest for iteration.(UUM-15615)





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